Welcome to Kindergarten and First Grade Prep Camp!

Kindergarten and First Grade prep camp was a whirlwind this morning.  We started off playing on the SmartBoard on Starfall.com.  If you've never used it I highly recommend their engaging games and activities.  Then we moved into how we can listen with different parts of our bodies.  We listen with our ears to hear sounds.  We listen with our eyes by looking at the eyes of the person speaking.  We listen with our mouths by keeping them quiet while we listen.  We listen with our hands by keeping them still.  We listen with our bodies by sitting respectfully with little wiggling.

Next we worked on an ABC and Nursery Rhymes song.  It mixes the two together and is great for phonemic awareness.  Hopefully we'll learn it well enough to post a video of it in a few weeks.  Then we split into groups and worked on reading.  Everyone was given a fairly difficult challenge at their own reading level.
 We were able to work on our journaling today.  The most important things we focused on was how to draw a person with more than just stick body parts.  We also wrote our names and talked about the correct way to hold a pencil.  When we went outside for snack time we played a fun game where I'd call out a letter sound and the kids would run to the paper and hand print paint it.
For math today we talked about numerals and started a game called Monster Math.  We separated cards of numerals and cards of pictures.  We took the numeral cards and put them in order from 1-20, or as high as we could go.  We ran out of time to learn the next step, but at home you can practice putting your cards in order and then matching the picture card to the numeral card.  We'll play more with that on Thursday.  We got SO much learning in today but not everything I had hoped to.  In the end we were a little scattered, but with a few tweaks and adjustments we'll be ready to learn even more in the coming days.

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Winter Camps

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