Spring Break 2018 Writing Workshop - Day 2

What a fun adventure in storytelling and fairy tales we had this week!  We explored ways to make vibrant, innovative, powerful, and intriguing stories.  We looked for examples of crazy pairings in mentor texts and tried to add our own crazy twists into our stories.  By adding an unexpected element writers can catch the attention of the reader.
We used a variety of strategies today to get our writing from our rough draft into our hard cover books.  We counted how many pages were in the final copy of split up the rough draft copy into the right number of pages.  Some students were able to work through this process on their own.  Others needed varied levels of help from me.  We had a couple of students who used fun conventions ideas from the mentor texts we studied.  Some students added bold words or larger text in certain places.  Others had a page that only had one or two words on it to build suspense.  
Illustrations had starting points from how to draw books and mentor texts.  The students really took the illustrations from that point and made them their own. 
We finished the camp by sharing our stories with the group.  There was so much giggling!  Be sure to watch our video!
I ended the day with a writing standards quick assessment for each kid.  It's a simple form that breaks down the writing standards for Kindergarten through 4th grade.  I am able to make some quick notes about what I saw in our writing camp to share with parents the strengths of their child as well as what skills they need more practice in. 

Want to get in on the fun?  The summer session of Writing Workshop is only 1 afternoon and is almost full!  Be sure to register right away! https://fs27.formsite.com/H6BLFr/form4/index.html

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